Victims of Sexual Assault Can File Civil Claims

When we hear cases such as sexual assault, molestation, or rape, we often think of criminal defense needs. There is a good reason for that. When a person has been convicted of a sexual assault incident, there can be many legal ramifications. This could include but is not limited to jail time, fines, probation, and long-term legal sanctions such as permanently being listed as a sexual offender. Even if justice was served in the eyes of criminal court, it does not mean that the victim of these crimes can pick their life up right where they left off. The mental and physical ramifications can be lifelong and can have severe impacts. Below are some common effects that victims of sexual assault can face, and more importantly, what they can do to help provided restitution.

Sexual Assault Victims and Personal Injury Cases

One of the best things a victim of sexual assault can do is take proper steps to take their life back and heal from these horrendous acts. In many cases, this means working with healthcare facilities to overcome the physical, mental, and emotional damage caused by sexual violence. However necessary these medical professionals may be, there will undoubtedly be costs and bills associated with their treatment. Just as someone was to cause an accident due to negligence, victims of sexual assault can also be compensated for their out of pocket expenses, time lost from work, pain and suffering, and other impacts that these incidents have had on their life. Unfortunate examples include civil assault or battery cases, should the incident be violent, and the victim of the crime required medical care as a result of the illegal actions. There could also be a cause for a civil or personal injury case based on the intentional infliction of emotional distress on another person, causing long-term damage that requires therapy or a psychiatrist.

Additional Third Parties Can Also be Held Responsible

All personal injury cases are unique to the individual and the factors that lead up to the accident. So too are the factors surrounding the sexual assault, molestation, or rape incidents that plague our society. It should go without saying that the person who committed these crimes is the largest perpetrator; it does not mean that they are the only party responsible. Perhaps the negligence or wanton disregard for the safety of another also contributed to a sexual assault case. All too common examples of what we refer to can happen in the workplace, schools, a local business, or anywhere we are all supposed to be safe. Perhaps there was a clear breach of security where proper precautions and standards were not adhered to, or management, for one reason or another, disregarded complaints, warning signs, or other coworkers complaining about the inappropriate behavior of a person they currently employ.

Speak with an Injury Attorney about a Sexual Assault Claim

Just because the person who committed a sexual assault crime sees their day in court does not mean that their victims can move along peacefully with their lives. Yes, seeing justice served can help, but the ramifications of their experience can have long-term effects that can change the course of their lives. If you or a loved one have been sexually assaulted in Utah, You can seek restitution outside the criminal justice system. Call The Ault Firm at (801) 839-4411 to speak with a legal professional and request a case review today.


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