Teen Drivers: 4 Tips to Avoid Accidents

Teen Drivers: 4 Tips to Avoid Accidents

Young and inexperienced drivers are susceptible to the risk of being involved in a car accident. The tips below can help teens avoid accidents and stay safe while they acclimate to their vehicle and the road.

Mobile Phones

Cellphones are a massive source of distraction for young drivers. Adults are also responsible for being distracted, but not as much as teen drivers. However, we know that in today’s age it is hard to resist the temptation of a text or phone call. Another distraction that phones can bring to younger drivers is changing the music on their phones. Try and avoid using your phone, if it is an emergency, try to wait until you are stopped at a red light before operating your mobile phone.                    

Teen Passengers 

If young drivers have friends in their car, it may increase their risk to be involved in a crash. So, keep in mind the more teen passengers in a vehicle, the higher the risk for collisions due to driving error. Emotional fights between young couples, exhilarating loud music, or just a good joke can bring enough distraction to cause an accident. Teen drivers should gain the experience they need to avoid becoming distracted while driving before taking on any passengers.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

Teenagers are prohibited from consuming alcohol in Utah. However, it does not prevent all underage drinking. About a quarter of car accidents involving a teen is due to underage drinking. It seems repetitive, as most of us are aware that it is not recommended (and is illegal) to get behind the wheel of a vehicle after consuming alcoholic beverages. 

Remain Focused

Basically, the most common source of these accidents is a distraction. Avoid it at all costs and stay focused while you’re behind the wheel. Young drivers feel invincible, but are unaware that a collision could yield higher insurance fees, jail time, or long-term consequences. To keep the road a safer place for everyone it’s imperative that all young drivers follow these tips. 

If you have been involved in a car accident with a distracted young driver, contact our law firm to get the best legal representation in the state. Call us during regular business hours to get a free consultation and legal advice, so you can focus on recovering from such a devastating event. 

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