Are Children’s Playgrounds Safe?

Most of us have used playgrounds at one time in our lives. Our childhood memories are often filled with fun times of recess or going to the local park. These were the care-free days of swinging on the monkey bars, crossing rope bridges, or sliding down the slide. As kids, we didn’t think about the consequences or how we could be injured while playing. As adults, we are more aware of just how many things can go wrong at a playground. Unfortunately, every year emergency rooms see over 200,000 children below 15 for serious injuries at a playground or park. These are wounds not treatable with a simple ice pack or a Band-Aid. We all want our children to be safe while they are having fun. Let’s take a look at playgrounds to answer the question, “Are playgrounds a safe place for kids to play?”

A look at playground safety and injuries

Taking a look at the numbers can help give us a better understanding of equipment and safety. 

  1. Children between ages 5 to 9 are the most likely to be injured while playing.
  2. Over half of all playground injuries result from climbing equipment.
  3. 75 percent of these injuries occur at daycare centers or public schools
  4. 45% of playground injuries can be categorized as severe. This includes broken bones, strangulation, dislocations, concussions, or even internal injuries to their vital organs.

It’s essential to keep our children safe; the following precautions should be taken. The first is to ensure that your kids or being adequately monitored by adults. This is especially true if your children are young and fall from 5 to 9 years old. The second precaution is to ensure that your children receive proper monitoring while at school. You can research online from the best-rated daycare centers in your area. It would be best to consider speaking with school officials regarding their playground safety and ensuring their students are monitored while at recess.

Common Playground Injuries

Along with making sure your children are being watched while at play, you can also educate your children. You can pass along the most common playground injuries and how they happen to your children. Kids are not usually likely to see the danger in the things they are doing until it is too late. Parents can consider following their kids to the nearest playground and showing exactly how injuries can happen. Below are the most common playground injuries you can discuss.

Falls from a considerable height.  Unsupervised children often use playground equipment in ways that they are not designed. This can include climbing up on slippery areas, such as on top of a slide.

Trips and slips.  Children can often run and slip on a variety of things in a playground. This can include tree branches or roots, holes that have been dug by other children, or even pieces of equipment that have been broken or left by other children.

Defective playground equipment.  Children have an extraordinary ability to provide vast amounts of wear and tear on equipment. Things like safety pads or grip tape can often be ripped off while in play. Other times manufacturers can have defective equipment that is not up to safety standards. Examples can include sharp edges or exposed metal. In other cases moving parts can catch, pinch or remove small body parts like fingers or limbs.

Speak with a playground injury attorney

When the unthinkable happens, it is critical to have an experienced attorney on your side. Suppose your child has been injured while at school or the local park you may have a case. Contact The Ault Firm today at (801) 839-4411 to speak with a legal professional or schedule a playground injury case review.

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