September 2019

Are Children’s Playgrounds Safe?

Most of us have used playgrounds at one time in our lives. Our childhood memories are often filled with fun times of recess or going to the local park. These were the care-free days of swinging on the monkey bars, crossing rope bridges, or sliding down the slide. As kids, we didn't think about the consequences or how we could be injured while playing. As adults, we are more aware of just how many things...

How Can I Prove My Injuries are From a Car Accident?

Millions of Americans suffer from chronic pain as part of their daily lives. We will sometimes represent a client that had previous medical complications before their accident. For example, they are middle-aged and have experienced ongoing back pain. After a large accident, such as a slip and fall or car crash, can lead to even more issues. They are concerned that these new injuries will be disregarded as...

How Can I Pay My Medical Bills After an Accident?

Let's say that you have been involved in an accident where it was not your fault. This could be a car accident that happened because the other person was speeding or driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In other cases, the accident could have arisen because a property owner did not correctly upkeep their property. For example, in the winter, water is allowed to collect and freeze in a...

Tire Blowouts are a Common Cause of Trucking Accidents

Another life was tragically lost due to a large semi-truck accident that took place in August on I-15. This particular accident occurred when the commercial driver fell asleep and, upon waking, overcorrected and caused an accident. This happened just shortly after Utah Highway Patrol ended their "drowsy driving awareness week." More details about this accident can be found via ABC 4's coverage of the Box...

Common Workplace Injuries Requiring Disability

On-the-job injuries are more common than you may believe. Millions of individuals suffer occupational injuries yearly and apply for employees' comp. In 2015, nearly 3 million nonfatal work environment injuries were reported in the USA. That's approximately 8,000 injuries per day, according to the Freedom Mutual Research Study Institute for Security. Exactly How Workers' Comp Can Aid Injured...

The Importance of Contacting an Attorney After your Salt Lake City Accident

If you have been injured in a Salt Lake City mishap or understand a person who has, you have likely heard various times that a lawyer should be contacted today. There are excellent reasons why this advice is so frequently offered. This is because working with a competent and experienced accident lawyer can help you safeguard your civil liberties under Utah law and ensure you get one of the most financial...

Can I be injured by My E-Cigarette?

If you have been paying attention to the news, you have probably heard several new health concerns related to vaping. These popular e-cigs have been called "a safer alternative to smoking" for a long time now. Despite this claim, people are being injured by vaping. The most common vaping injury is caused by either the unit exploding itself or causing lung damage known as "popcorn lung." If you live in Utah...

What Types of Damages can I Claim in a Personal Injury Case in Utah?

Utah law allows those impacted by someone else’s negligence or recklessness to claim various basic damages in personal injury cases. These damages are typically categorized into economic losses and reparations for non-monetary losses. In some instances, a person who sustained personal injuries can also claim punitive damages. This is notably if the injuries were intentional, such as in an assault case...

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